Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Invitation to appoint a Commissioner and Nominate Jurors for

World Stamp Championship ISRAEL 2018

"Everyone has a city, and its name is Jerusalem," wrote the Israeli poet Natan Yonatan, reflecting the wide range of emotions that this magical city evokes in the hearts of billions of people around the world. For thousands of years this magical city has been at the center of existence for people of different religions and cultures.
The Israel Philatelic Federation with the support of The Israel Post Company and the Israel Philatelic Service are proud to host the World Stamp Championship ISRAEL 2018 in Israel on the 70th anniversary of our Independence.
The World Stamp Championship ISRAEL 2018 will be held on May 27 to 31, 2018 at the ICC – International Convention Center, Jerusalem.
It will be a Specialized WSC exhibition under FIP patronage covering Championship Class,Traditional Class, Postal History, Modern Philately and Literature. We are expecting for a display of 1000 frames.
We are pleased to invite your federation to appoint a National Commissioner as well as nominate up to three FIP Jurors for World Stamp Championship ISRAEL 2018. Due to the short time left, please send the details of the nominees (name, address, phone number, e-mail and color photo) to no later than August 20, 2017.
The Israel Philatelic Federation welcomes our friends from all over the word who will share the extraordinary philatelic adventure with us.
Tibi Yaniv
Director General
Israel Philatelic Federation